M o o n B a b y
An Original Musical Film

MoonBaby is a peek into the surreal world that exists within each of us— our fears and the ways in which we cope with them. We witness Riley's (A.K.A Half-face) journey as she attempts to suppress and escape the effects of sexual traumas experienced in childhood, the result of which manifests as a blue stain upon her face along with having split her into two people. Riley's inner child and other half-- formerly abandoned and locked away--MoonBaby (age 7), escapes and is seeking Riley’s acceptance. Now being literally forced to face herself, our protagonist unravels one of many truths: there is no way to run from MoonBaby or her scarring past..
The MoonBaby Project
MoonBaby is an original musical short film, with a soundtrack comprised of ten songs and an interlude written by the director of the film, Aroma, and various collaborators. The film explores the effects of sexual trauma experienced in childhood, as well as the resulting coping mechanisms nonlinear process of healing.
Written and Directed by Aroma
Music production by Ari Carpenter, Salim Ali Boykin, Emilio Diaz, & Aroma
Photography Direction by Hunter Cates

MoonBaby Mission:
This is story is something we believe has an urgent need for representation.
Often people of color are not offered space to fully address mental illness and other traumas acquired early in life. Far too many children have experienced sexual trauma. Many children who experience such trauma are not given the space, time, or care required to confront these events, nor given the language to describe these experiences and resulting behaviors. This film tackles how traumas interact with the various stages of life development as opposed to linear progression—It’s the consistent process of learning how to best sustain our sense of self during the conjugation of development and emotionally stunting trauma.
It is necessary to build spaces that invite, affirm, and support people effected by sexual abuse, especially those who are often left out of the equation in popular media.
Plan Of Production
Progress and Accomplishments Thus Far
Due to the strength and support of our community and supporters we were able to obtain funding through a grassroots campaign that has allowed us to produce the portion of film accompanying the first song as well the complete soundtrack.
A sneak peek of our progress thus far will be premiered at our New Moon special showing showing on December 21st, 2019 at 2236 Martin Luther King Jr Way, Oakland, CA. This event is FREE with RSVP and made possible by our sponsor AACIF (Asian American Cultural Infinite Foundation).
See more about our events by visiting the Event section of our Community Engagement page
Following our New Moon sneak peek event - here is a bit of whats to come next:
DUE TO current events that have been greatly impacting the world and our production team - the MoonBaby production is put on hold until further notice.
How you can help!
To complete our funding campaign we are gratefully receiving sponsorships and donations from our close and extended communities! Our goal is to raise $50,000 to complete the production by our projected timeline
To raise the complete $50,000 would allow us to make our premiering events, Which include 3 screenings and paired free community workshops In California's Bay Area, before expanding to national screenings.
We are currently accepting donations of any amount here.
Every contribution makes a difference! We've come this far through the culmination of many people giving just a little - when we come together, anything is possible.
Become A Partner!
Contact Aromaproductions0@gmail.com to discuss partnership opportunities.